
Posts Tagged ‘horse racing’

As you may or may not know, I got to celebrate the 4th by going to watch the “ponies” race, eat non-healthy food, see monkeys riding dogs while herding sheep, and the finale of huge blasts of wonderful fire-works!

I’m not a big gambler, but when I’m at a place of gambling…..well, lets just say I do my fair share.  I really do enjoy the horse races, and I particularly like the part where they march the horses out for you to see what they look like before the race.  I think horses are pretty, and pretty scary at the same time.  I really admire how those tiny little jockeys aren’t afraid of the horses…..how do they do it? I also like the fact that when jockeys are around, I seem to be much taller.

Lets face it, people go to the races for the chance of winning big.  If you think of it, where else can you go and place a $2.00 or $6.00 bet, and turn that into hundreds or even thousands of dollars?  The only thing I don’t like about the races, is the fact that I don’t have enough time in between the races to make a good decision on the next race, and pick my horses.  I take my betting seriously, as I hate to waste my money, so I also don’t spend alot of time socializing (like you are supposed to do), and enjoying myself.

Before each race, I am in a frenzy reading and trying to figure out what bet will bring me the motherload.  My plan is simple….I look at which horse has won the most money in the past, and sometimes I also look at  which jockey has done the best.  Between those two things, I make my decision.

This doesn’t always work though….as I found there was a race that they had NO statistics for their winnings.  I guess it was their first race of the year, so I just picked the names I liked the most (very scientific…lol).

I always play Trifectas, as those seem to pay the most (why win $20 when you can win hundreds? duh).  Note: always take only the amount of money you are willing to lose.

My big win was the fourth race with “Dashin Too Hi”, “Master Injun”, and “Another Fast Colt”….those ponies won me $126.00….yea!  So it was a fun evening, and at least I walked away with the same amount I came in with.

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So, I just found out that some family (a set of in-laws), are going to visit us for the fourth of July holiday…..yea!

It just so happens that this father-in-law, (I have two sets….divorced parents on my husband’s side…..ooh twice the fun), is quite the gambler and since he lives in the “sticks”, and doesn’t get to experience the joy of going to either the horse races or dog races……guess what? we get to take him when they visit!

My husband was looking up the schedule for the horse races on their web-site, and during the summer they have much more than just racing. They have all kinds of live bands, etc., in order to attract more people, plus they add cheap beer to seal the deal (50 cent draft).

Well we have a real treat for the Fourth of July this year……as he reads aloud, “Post-race fireworks extravaganza, face painters and balloon artists, and…….what? Performance by Team Ghost Riders featuring 4 monkeys riding dogs and herding sheep”.

Needless to say I’m dying laughing….and confirming by asking (to make sure I heard right)….”What are the monkeys doing?”

To show that I am not making this up, you may check out their web-site:


Wow, I can’t wait!

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