
Archive for the ‘school’ Category

So, My son is way far away attending College. I ask him for a Christmas list, and I finally get this e-mail from him:

Hey Madre!

Sorry for getting this to you so late. I’ve been kinda somewhat busy studying for finals and murderizing zombies with my bros here, haha. I know Christmas is fast upon us so I figure it’s about time I send you some stuff I want. Here’s what I would consider to be a modest list of assorted items I want. However, in reality, it’s not so modest:

DJ controller:



(I’ll note that I’ve showed Padre some of these things and I’m not entirely sure what he is or is not getting me yet. I have not told anyone such as Grandma what I want, but I’ll make sure to keep items on your list separate from theirs. Except maybe the dj controller, that thing’s 500 bucks. Perhaps you can collaborate with Padre or someone to make it happen. Love ya)

This shirt in Navy:


(The story behind the shirt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoQUR0Lun6U )

And maybe this just for the fun of it:


More food gift cards are always nice as well!!!

Much love,

Your son 🙂

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Just before the 2002/2003 school year, I had completed the “alternative” teaching certification in order to become a “certified” teacher.  For those of you who don’t know what that is, it is a program that most states have for those who already have a college degree,( but not in teaching), but who think they might want to go into teaching, they may sign up for an “accelerated” training program, where at the end, you may apply to be a teacher in public or private schools.

This program was designed to aid school districts in finding teachers, as there always seems to be a shortage of them.

Only after I paid the fee, and completed this program, did I find out that not all districts want “alternative” certified teachers, and the district I lived in, well, they were the last resort for teachers they were looking for….(I was screwed).

Anyway, I had been substitute teaching for my district, when I received a call for a “long-term” substitute position.  What this meant was basically I did everything a real teacher did, attendance, parent-teacher meetings, assignments, grades,  and of course had  six classes of about 25 to 30 kids each.

I went ahead and took the long-term position, thinking this would be great experience, and would better my chances of getting hired as a full-time teacher.  (If you don’t know about school districts….who you know is a BIG factor in getting a job….I didn’t know anyone of great importance, so…well, I never became a teacher).

But, I do look back on the experience with an appreciation of teachers and the crap they put up with.  Maybe it was a blessing in disguise?

So, I was going to teach English Literature for juniors, I was excited, I love Literature, and well, this was perfect.  It was around the middle of the school year, and the teacher received notice he was to be deployed to Iraq, this is why they needed a long-term substitute.

Before each class started, it is always good to have a “warm-up” assignment on the chalk board, so that the students can quietly settle in, while taking role.  I also wanted to get to know the students I would be working with, so the first couple of days, I presented this warm up to them:

1: Where are you from?

2: Where would you like to travel to, and why?

3: Who is the most important person in your life? Why?

4: Is the glass half empty or half-full?

5: If you were to die, what would you like to be written on your epitaph?

Yeah, I know that last one is kind of morbid….but…no one needs to be taught more than teenagers that they are not immortal.

So I was doing some cleaning out of files recently, and I ran accross these that I had saved.

Pretty normal response huh?

Pretty basic.....except for the "something weird"

Pepperoni Pizza? what? so random.....

Ok....kind of weird....a future nudist here?

Ah....the gangster.....nice to know

A true patriot....she want's to be burried with a full metal jacket & M16

Here lies the most sexiest man on this planet? lol

Of couse, I had to save the funniest for last….typical teen huh?

I enjoyed my classes, and tried to be a good influence on all of them.  After finding these, it made me smile, and I wonder what ever became of them.

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While reading the latest news about the three Americans, Shane Bauer, Josh Fattal, and Sarah Shourd, I can’t help but think, “Where was their common sense”?  Yes…common sense, defined as good judgment: sound practical judgment derived from experience rather than study.

courtesy photo

All three graduated from U.C. Berkley in California: Shane’s degree is in “Peace and Conflict Studies”, Josh’s degree, “Environmental Economics and Policy”, and he taught “sustainable living skills”, and Sarah’s, I’m not sure, but must be teaching, as she was teaching “English” while living in Damascus.

What do these degrees teach people about the real world? They all had ideals about how the world should be, peaceful, with human rights, everyone living in harmony, and so on.  That all sounds fine and dandy….but unfortunately, that’s just not how it is.

I find myself wondering about how they were raised…..by hippies?  That is kind of how it sounds to me.  Raised by parents who told them they could change the world, make it a better place.  Again, that sounds great too, but you also have to teach  naive young people, that there are some things that cannot be changed so well.

A great example, look at the radical Muslims.  We have been in a battle with a culture that has lived the same way for eons.  They don’t want change, they believe our liberties and our way of life is evil.   They are taught to destroy the infidel.

Did they ever watch the news?  Everyday there is something about people getting caught in these radical backwards countries (like Iran, North Korea), and anyone with any common sense can figure out, those aren’t the best places to “wander” around in, no matter how good your intentions are.

Side note: I know people who NEVER watch the news….because in their words, “It is too depressing”.  How lame is that?

Do I feel bad for them?  Of course I do.  But please, there is something to be learned from this:  There are evil people in the world, who don’t care about freedom, rights, personal rights, or justice. Use your common sense (and maybe watch the news every once in awhile).

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I’ve decided that I will post random tidbits of information that may or may not be helpful to you.

These will be posted in between my larger, more thought provoking material.

I may or may not impose an “assignment” for you the reader, at the end, where you may respond with your answer via the comment section.

You know how your mother told you that, “You learn something new everyday”, well this is my contribution to your “daily learning”. Ha! And you thought you were through with school!

So, hopefully, you will find this to be a great resource for you…..enjoy…..or not.

Here is an interesting word that isn’t used much these days:


1.  a British unit of capacity usually equal to a quarter of a barrel.

2. a small wooden vessel or tub for butter, lard, etc.

Origin: Middle English

An example of it used in a sentence: Joe will bring a firkin of beer to the party.

Your assignment: Write a short poem using the words, firkin, gherkin, lambkin, and napkin.

Oh, it is due thirty minutes, fifteen seconds after you have finished reading the directions….lol.

Good Luck!

Modern Language Association (MLA):

“firkin.” Dictionary.com Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 07 May. 2010. <Dictionary.com http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/firkin>.

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