
Posts Tagged ‘criminal’


I really hate to get involved in politics, but enough is enough.  It is time to take back our country, as it is being raped over and over by the current administration.  The Constitution is blatantly ignored as Obama and his followers finagle ways to implement his “agenda” by bypassing Congress.

I’m really getting tired of hearing something new every day that he is trying to do to this country.  The latest?  bypassing Congress to let illegals stay in the U.S.  You can read about that here:


If Obama keeps pushing the “people”, I’m afraid there will be yet another “Bastille Day”….only this one won’t be in France….and yes, heads will roll.

Back to what needs to be addressed NOW…….

John Harris, Blagojevich’s former chief of staff, testified in the ex-governor’s corruption trial in Federal District Court this week that Barack Obama knew of Blagojevich’s plan to “sell” the Illinois senate seat that would be left vacant by Obama.

Blagojevich’s lawyers tried to subpoena Obama earlier this year but presiding Judge James B. Zagel refused to allow it. Other White House aides, including Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, have been subpoenaed.

June 14: Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich arrives for his trial. AFP/Getty Images

Is Barack Hussein Obama above the law? I don’t think so, but apparently Judge Zagel believes he is.

This calls for action, and just blogging about it won’t change anything.  But, you may contact Mr. Zagel, and express your opinion about this to him.  I have already contacted his office, and here is his contact information:

U.S. District Court

Northern District of Illinois

Judge James B. Zagel

Courtroom: 2503

Chambers: 2588

Chambers phone# 312-435-5713

Fax: 312-544-8521

There is power in numbers!  Speak your voice and be heard!

To read the complete story: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/06/25/obama-knew-blagojevich-plot-aide-says/?test=latestnews

p.s. he he….J’aime la photo du roi Louis-Obama, c’est très drôle.

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