
Posts Tagged ‘Josh Freese’

You may or may not know, awhile back I did a post about how my life was boring, and I needed an angsty boyfriend…to spice things up.

The obvious person to fill that role was Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails, and I explained the reasons for this choice in that particular blog.

Well, the former drummer for NIN is Josh Freese. He works with all kinds of bands, I can’t even name all of them (I do know one is Devo). But anyway, I like to follow Josh on Twitter, http://twitter.com/joshfreese), as he has some really interesting and funny things to say, as he describes in his Bio, he is an “All around nut.”

I decided that he is really kind of nutty, as he posted pictures of himself driving to go get a vasectomy, and also post-op pictures of his recuperation.  That is really getting personal with “the whole world” if you ask me.  But, for whatever reason he does these things, you just don’t know what he will post next (so intriguing huh?).

Josh makes these bizarre short video clips about various things going on in his life, and I happen to find them quite entertaining. This is how I live my life vicariously, watching the strange things that other people do. Yeah, I know….don’t tell me.

Well, check out this video he made:

Oh, to have a life where all you are worried about is getting some “Sweet’ n Low.”

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